Your Castle's Running Start Program: March 13th, 18th, and 20th.
Everything you need to know to get to and through your first deal!
Day 1 - March 13th
10:00AM - 11:00AM : Prospecting & Value Proposition – Casey
11:00AM – 12:00PM : Working with Buyers - Faith
12:00PM - 12:30PM: Lunch
12:30PM- 1:30PM Working with Sellers - Faith
1:30PM - 2:30PM: Inspection Process – Casey
2:30PM–3:30PM: Lending 101 – Joe
Day 2 - March 18th
10:00AM - 11:0AM: Knowing Your Financial &Database Numbers - Casey
11:00AM- 12:00PM: How to Do a CMA - Faith
12:00PM - 12:30PM: Lunch
12:30PM- 3:00PM: Listing Contracts and Disclosures - Casey
Day 3 - March 20th
10AM-12:00PM: Writing Great Contracts (pt 1)- Casey
12:00PM– 12:30PM: Lunch
12:30PM – 2:30PM: Writing Great Contracts (pt 2)- Casey
2:30PM – 3:30PM: Title and Closings - Greg
4 CE Credits for "Write Great Contracts"
Please make sure to sign up for each day if you are attending the entire Running Start Series.